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Photo courtesy of google search.



Photo courtesy of google search.

Tongue Twisters

Are your students struggling with their pronunciation in English? Come check out our list of over thirty tongue twisters! Some are serious, some are fun, and some are just plain crazy. Practice them with your class to help them distinguish between sounds. If they can hear - and speak - the difference, they're well on their way to English proficiency!

Theatre Warm-Ups & Games
Here you will find links to three lists of theatre warm-ups and games that are perfect for your EFL/ESL students! The games have been separated by English-language proficiency level: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Some games work well for multiple levels, so you may see them repeated. For most of these games, the focus is on both theatre and English. However, a few exercises have been included that are designed purely to acclimate your students to the idea of performing and working within an ensemble.
Sample Theatre Scripts

Here you will find sample scripts based off of the ESL materials collected for this project. The scripts have been created in correlation with the curriculum maps for the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.  The scripts are designed to work as stand-alone scenes, or together as a short one-act play. Please note: all scripts are written in conjunction with the program or school's language and content goals for the term.






Performance Videos

Here you will find videos of American actors performing the theatre scripts from above. These videos have been included to provide additional support in the areas of non-verbal communication, gestures and body language. Please pay particularly close attention to the connections between the words said and the emotions expressed. 

Adaptation Possibilities

Little Miss Muffet


The Tortoise and the Hare

Godfather Death

The Three Little Pigs

Little Red Riding Hood

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